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C. König-Pralong, La colonie philosophique. Écrire l'histoire de la philosophie aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles, Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS, 2019. (For a short description click here. For a video abstract click here.)



C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), The Territories of Philosophy in Modern Historiography, Turnhout/Bari, Brepols/Pagina, 2019 [Ad argumenta. Quaestio Special Issues 1]. (Full text available here and here.)



C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva, "Preface", in: C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), The Territories of Philosophy in Modern Historiography, Turnhout/Bari, Brepols/Pagina, 2019, pp. 7–16.

C. König-Pralong, "How Historians of Philosophy Invented Europe's Philosophical Nature?", in: C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), The Territories of Philosophy in Modern Historiography, Turnhout/Bari, Brepols/Pagina, 2019, pp. 19–38.

M. Meliadò, "Géopolitique de la Raison. Sur la pratique de l'histoire de la philosophie à l'école de Victor Cousin", in: C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), The Territories of Philosophy in Modern Historiography, Turnhout/Bari, Brepols/Pagina, 2019, pp. 169–186.

Z. Radeva, "At the Origins of a Tenacious Narrative. Jacob Thomasius and the History of Double Truth", in: Intellectual History Review, forthcoming, DOI 10.1080/17496977.2018.1521626. (Online version available here.)



C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), 'Outsiders' and 'Forerunners'. Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 [Lectio 5]. (Table of contents available here.)



C. König-Pralong, "Introduction. Individuals in the History of Philosophy", in: C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), 'Outsiders' and 'Forerunners'. Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 9–26.

C. König-Pralong, "La philosophie de Dante dans l'ombre de la Comédie: de Brucker à Witte", in: M. Forlivesi, M. Longo, G. Micheli (eds.), La filosofia e la sua storia. Studi in onore di Gregorio Piaia, Padova, CLEUP, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 15–28. (Full text available here.)

M. Meliadò, "Scholastica sive pseudophilosophia. Heumann, Brucker und die historiographische Konstruktion der Scholastik in der Frühaufklärung", in: A. Speer, M. Mauriège (eds.), Irrtum — Error — Erreur, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2018 [Miscellanea Mediaevalia 40], pp. 759–782.

M. Meliadò, Sapienza peripatetica. Eimerico di Campo e i percorsi del tardo albertismo, Münster, Aschendorff, 2018 [Dokimion 40]. (Table of contents available here.)



M. Meliadò, "The Cusanian School: Charles de Bovelles, Giordano Bruno and the Fortune of a Modern Historiographical Narrative", in: C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), 'Outsiders' and 'Forerunners'. Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 329–356.

M. Meliadò, "Rappresentazione della scolastica e apologia dell'ignoranza. Una postilla al De vanitate di Cornelio Agrippa", in: C. Panti, N. Polloni (eds.), Vedere nell'ombra. Studi su natura, spiritualità e scienze operative offerti a Michela Pereira, Firenze, SISMEL, 2018, pp. 343–360.

M. Meliadò, S. Negri (eds.), Praxis des Philosophierens, Praktiken der Historiographie. Perspektiven von der Spätantike bis zur Moderne, Freiburg/München, Verlag Karl Alber, 2018 [Geist und Geisteswissenschaft 2]. (Table of contents available here.)




Z. Radeva, "Andrea Cesalpino: genuinus Peripateticus, Spinozista ante Spinozam. Die Geburt einer Figur mit Doppelidentität in Pierre Bayles Dictionnaire historique et critique", in: C. König-Pralong, M. Meliadò, Z. Radeva (eds.), 'Outsiders' and 'Forerunners'. Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 395–433. 



C. König-Pralong, "La raison philosophique moderne et ses historiens (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle)", in: Studia philosophica, 76 (2017), pp. 19–36. (Full text available here.)

C. König-Pralong, "Alterität, fremde Nähe und Hybridisierung. Die Araber in der Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung um 1800", in: R. Elberfeld (ed.), Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung in globaler Perspektive. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 9 (2017), pp. 231–252. (Full text available here.)

C. König-Pralong, "L’histoire de la philosophie appartient-elle au champ des sciences humaines et sociales?", in: Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines 30 (2017), pp. 49–70. (Full text available here.)

C. König-Pralong, "Entangled Philosophical Ideologies. The Language of Reason: From Modern French to Scholastic Latin", in: U. Zahnd (ed.), Language and Method. Historical and Historiographical Reflections on Medieval Thought, Freiburg i.Br./Berlin/Wien, Rombach, pp. 337–355. (Full text available here.)

M. Meliadò, "Cusanus, die Neuscholastik und die historiographische Repräsentation des modernen Epochenanbruchs", in: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 99/1 (2017), pp. 115–156. (Full text available here.)

M. Meliadò, "Il 'morosofo' e la rappresentazione dei filosofi. Percorsi e vicende storiografiche del Rinascimento", in: Giornale critico della filosofia italiana 96/1 (2017), pp. 181–183 (review of G. Piaia, Sapienza e follia. Per una storia intellettuale del Rinascimento europeo, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2015). (Full text available here.)

M. Meliadò, "Die Verwandlungen der Methode: Victor Cousin und die scholastische Genealogie der cartesischen Vernunft", in: U. Zahnd (ed.), Language and Method. Historical and Historiographical Reflections on Medieval Thought, Freiburg i.Br./Berlin/Wien, Rombach, pp. 309–335. (Full text available here.)

Z. Radeva, "Quo pacto ex philosophis interpretes Aristotelis facti sunt? Die genuinen Peripatetiker der Frühen Neuzeit in Jacob Bruckers Historia critica philosophiae", in: U. Zahnd (ed.), Language and Method. Historical and Historiographical Reflections on Medieval Thought, Freiburg i.Br./Berlin/Wien, Rombach, pp. 281–307. (Full text available here.)

Z. Radeva, "From Reconstruction to Reformation. Jacob Thomasius's Use of Aristotle in the Debate on the Origin of the Human Soul", in: Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales 84/2 (2017), pp. 427–463. (Full text available here.)



C. König-Pralong, Médiévisme philosophique et raison moderne. De Pierre Bayle à Ernest Renan, Paris, Vrin, 2016.
(Table of contents available here; review by Gianluca Briguglia here and here; review by Gregorio Piaia here)





C. König-Pralong, "Rhetorik gegen Spekulation. Ein Antagonismus der scholastischen Bildungsgeschichte", in: A. Speer, Th. Jeschke (eds.), Schüler und Meister, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016, pp. 45–58. (Full text available here.)



C. König-Pralong, "L’histoire médiévale de la raison philosophique moderne (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles)", in: Annales HSS 70 (2015), pp. 667–711. (Full text available here.)



C. König-Pralong, "Le volontarisme scotiste. Constitutions et usages d’une césure historique à l’âge moderne", in: Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales 81 (2014), pp. 181–208. (Full text available here.)


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C. König-Pralong, "Découverte et colonisation françaises de la philosophie médiévale (1730-1850)", in: Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 96/4 (2012), pp. 663–701. (Full text available here.)



C. König-Pralong, "L’histoire de la philosophie médiévale depuis 1950: méthodes, textes, débats", in: Annales HSS 64 (2009), pp. 143–169. (Full text available here.)


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